The benefits of underfloor heating? Discover the possibilities!

Why choose underfloor heating?

A big advantage of underfloor heating is the low energy costs. This makes it possible to maintain a pleasant room temperature without high heating costs.

How does our underfloor heating work?

The system operates at a low water temperature of approximately 35°C. Heating at a low water temperature therefore requires much less energy than radiators or convectors, which require a higher water temperature. In-floor heating works with radiant heat via heating pipes under the finished floor. These heating pipes are laid at a fixed distance from each other over the entire room. This system is extremely suitable for use on a heat pump. An additional advantage of this is that cooling is also possible during warm periods. Curious about even more benefits? Then read on! You can of course also request a quote or contact us immediately.

The benefits of underfloor heating

Heeft u er al eens over nagedacht om vloerverwarming te nemen? Underfloor heating brengt verschillende voordelen met zich mee, waardoor het een plezierige optie is om uw huis te verwarmen. Wij hebben de belangrijkste voordelen voor u op een rijtje gezet, zodat u een goed beeld krijgt wat vloerverwarming voor u kan doen!

Comfortable warmth

Underfloor heating ensures even heat distribution in the room. Unlike radiators, which release heat from a single point, underfloor heating distributes heat evenly across the floor. This results in a pleasant, even temperature throughout the room, without cold spots.

No visible radiators

Because underfloor heating is built in under the floor, there are no visible radiators to take up space or disturb the interior. This gives you more freedom when decorating your home and creates a sleek, minimalist look.

Efficient energy use

Underfloor heating is more efficient than traditional heating systems. The heat is evenly distributed via radiant heat, for which you use a lower water temperature than with radiators. This leads to energy saving and lower heating costs.

No air circulation and dust movement

Radiators heat the air, creating air circulation and allowing dust particles to swirl. Underfloor heating, on the other hand, heats the floor and radiates heat directly upwards, without causing air circulation. This means that no dust pockets are created, which greatly improves the comfort for people with allergies or breathing problems.

More design options

With no radiators in the way, you have more freedom in designing and furnishing your interior. You can more easily place furniture without having to worry about the location of radiators, which can have a positive effect on the layout and appearance of the room.

Future-proof and sustainable

Mocht u in de toekomst over willen gaan op bijvoorbeeld een warmtepomp, dan zijn de meeste vloerverwarmingssystemen hiervoor geschikt en hoeven er geen ingrijpende ingrepen te worden gedaan. Zo investeert u met vloerverwarming al een beetje in de toekomst.

Silent operation

Underfloor heating works quietly, unlike some other heating systems that can make noise, such as noisy radiators or fans. This contributes to a quiet and comfortable environment in the home.

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Would you like to request a quote from Compofloor? You can request a quote as a private individual or as a business customer. We would be happy to provide you with some more information and help you further.

Compofloor and underfloor heating the ideal combination!

Insulating your floor plays a major role in making your home more sustainable. It is not possible to completely prevent elements from below from affecting your floor. A crawl space for example, needs ventilation from outside to prevent mold and this often collects groundwater. This can create a damp, cold space. This can have consequences for your floor and especially for wooden floors. Wooden floors often succumb under these circumstances. Wood rot then occurs and mold attaches itself to the floor. Holes and cracks are created, through which the cold air and moisture can enter your home. Of course, you don't want this. The Compofloor is a good solution for this.

With a Compofloor you keep the elements out without affecting the ventilation in your home. crawl space te verliezen. U ervaart direct de vele voordelen van de Compofloor. Geen tocht meer en heerlijk warme voeten. Geweldig toch? De warmte in uw huis kan zich beter verspreiden en u houdt simpelweg meer warmte binnen. In combinatie met een vloerverwarming creëert u optimaal warmte behoudt en dit leidt weer tot minder stookkosten! Kortom, denkt u aan vloerverwarming? Denk dan ook eens na over een Compofloor! Benieuwd naar ons underfloor heating system? Then discover the possibilities via the button below.

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